Sunday, July 3, 2011

THe best in television 2010-2011: the drama supporting actors

This year my favorite supporting amel acrots in a drama series were.

Runner's up
Craig T Nelson- Parenthood
I never liked the show .oath so I really did expect much from Craig t Nelson as the patriarch Braverman. But Nelson has shown himself to play to his gruff exterior while showing a vulnerable and loyal side when it comes to protecting his family

Irrfan Khan- In treatment
The final season three of In treatment wasn't the strongest stiffener, but the acting was strong as usual. Khan's storyline showed an underlying rage that built over the season to a suspenseful end.

Matt Ross- Big Love. ross's Albee storyline was one of the few highlights of a mediocre season 4. It looked like he might get some redemption, but en his male lover committed suicide and Albee was back in season 5 with a fiery psychotic rage. The character was never redeemed and was hated and complicated right to the end of the series

Dax Shephard- Who would have thought that the former punked star could bring so much emotion and versatility to Crosby Braverman the most dysfunctional Braverman on the underrated Parenthood.

And the best supporting actor in a drama series was :
Dane DeHaan in 8! Treatment

in one half hour episode DeHaan played a openly gay teenager who would move from pride to insecurity to seductiveness to being a compulsive liar. DeHaan's performance as the highlight of the final season of In Treatment.

And the best performances by a female actor in a supporting role were:

Runner's up

Debra winger- in treatment
It was so great to have Debra winger on television. She gave one of the best performances in a great career as an actress dealing with a terminally ill family member

Chloe Sevingy- Big Love.
No matter the quality of any given season of big love youmcould always count of sevingy as Nicolette "the middle child" wife to give an often funny sometimes touching performance.

Julia stiles- Dexter. I thought stiles was one of the most milquetoast actresses around so I didn't expect much from her arc on Dexter. Every time she was on the screen she surprised me

Christina Hendricks- Mad Men
Hendrick's Joan has always represented the woman of that era who was at times a feminist while able to play the traditional roles prescribed to her. Hendrick's had her best season yet as she deals with an unplanned pregnancy and then considering what she can do about it.

My favorite performance of the year was:
Michelle Forbes - The killing. On true blood Forbes played it appropriately over the top, but in the killing I was astounded by her as she gave a complicated performance as the grieving mother of the murdered Rosie Larsen.

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