Saturday, January 29, 2011

Now that I've seen all ten of the best picture nominees thus is how I'd rank them.
10. Winter's Bone
9. The Fighter
8. True grit

This is where it gets tough. The remaining seven are all great and are in my own top 10 of the year or close to it.
7. Social network
6. Toy story 3
5. The kids are alright
4. Black swan
3. Inception
2. The king's speech
1. 127 hours

That's how it rank the top 7 today but I could rank them another way tomorrow.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Oscar nomination predictions

I am just going to do my predictions for the top 6 categories.
Here we go.

Best picture
Black swan
The fighter
The kids are alright
King's speech
127 Hours
The social network
Toy story 3
True grit
Winter's bone

Best director
Darren aronofsky Black Swan
Joel and Ethan coen true grit
David Fincher The Social Network
Tom Hooper The King's speech
Christopher Nolan Inception

Best actor
Jeff Bridges True grit
Jesse Eisenberg social network
Colin firth The kings speech
James Franco 127 hours
Mark Walberg The Fighter

Best Actress
Annette Bening the kids are alright
Nicole Kidman Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence winters bone
Natalie Portman Black Swan
Hailee Steinfield True grit

Best Supporting Actor
Christian Bale the fighter
Andrew Garfield the social network
Jeremy renner the town
Mark ruffalo the kids are alright
Geoffrey rush the king's speech

Best supporting actress
Amy Adams The fighter
Helena bonham Carter the king's speech
Barbara Hershey black swan
Melissa Leo the fighter
Leslie manville another year

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ten Songs that Entertained, Amused, or Inspired me in 2010

In alphabetical order:
All the Lovers- Kylie Minogue- It had been awhile since I had even thought about Kylie, but this ethereal song and its sexy video brought her back to my radar. Now if only the USA would ever really catch on to her.

F***ing Perfect-Pink- A great song included on Pink's solid greatest hits collection. It should be a big hit in 2011, but I am including it since I have been listening to it since November.

Horchata- Vampire Weekend Catchy and full of nostalgia. It kind of deserves to become an alternative type holiday song. It is hard not to feel joy while listening to it.

I Wanna Hold Your Hand-Chris Colfer (from Glee) Remaking an already perfect Beatles song is tricky business, but Colfer's ballad version sang to his ailing television father was heartbreaking and inspiring.

Just the Way You Are- Bruno Mar- This is such an unbridled affectionate song. Who wouldn't want someone to sing this song to them? I love the Glee version as well.

Love The Way You Lie- Eminem Featuring Rihanna-Marshall Mathers was back with his best song since Stan. Whoever thought of including Rihanna was genius. She also does a lovely version of the song in her voice on her album Loud.

Runaway (the album version)- Kanye West- the moment that Kanye West went from great hip hop artist to musical genius for me is when I first heard this song. To me this should be modern classical music.

Take it Off- Ke$ha- Yeah it's juvenile. But it's fun and naughty while strangely innocent. Just how scandalous is glitter?

Telephone- Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce Knowles-I kind of changed my tune on this one. I used to think it was overly silly and less of a song than it's great video. But the more I listen to it the more i can appreciate the hooks and the layers even when the lyrics are merely silly but fun.

Waka Waka (It's time for Africa)-Shakira It wasn't such a big hit in the USA, but it was a giant hit worldwide. It's an entergetic song that shows pride in Africa, but more importantly pride in the world and humanity

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten Fun Things that I did in 2010 Part 3

Here are the final three, but they were pretty big!

8. Reunion- I didn't think I would ever actually go to any of my high school reunions. I wasn't popular in high school, and in most ways it doesn't go down as a high point in my life. But my curiosity got the best of me, and I wanted to see my old friends. So off to Casper, Wyoming I went to the Kelly Walsh 1990 reunion. Even though, I had a couple moments of wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into, it turned out to be a weekend to remember. The naughty side of me slightly relished in the fact that some of the members of my class had not aged as well as I had. But From late night chats in I-Hop to skinnydipping in a friend's pool it was all a lot of fun. The most important thing was that I was reminded of what good friends I had when I was in high school. Maybe I didn't have quantity, but I had quality. I don't think I fully appreciated that until that weekend.

9. That damn dog- If you read this, don't tell Devon. But though I still don't like the circumstances that she came into our house, I have grown pretty attached to that goofy mophead dog of ours, Sophie. I don't really appreciate that she makes travelling a bit more difficult, but her little naughty energy brings a lot of fun into the house.True, our house is much messier because of her and I don't really love walking her as soon as I get home from work, But she has ended up being a pretty sweet ball of fur. Our cat would likely not agree.

10. European vacation- I could have easily just picked ten highlights from my 5 week return to Europe this summer. Even though it wasn't the same as seeing Europe my very first time when I went in 2005, many great adventures were had. I experience World Cup madness in Amsterdam, once again explored the amazing neighborhoods of Paris, laid on a beautiful beach in Portugal, wandered the mazelike streets in Florence and drank a lot of beer in Prague. It was five weeks of my life that I will always be glad that I had. It sure helped that I flew first class round trip. I'm already feeling the itch for my next European Vacation in 2012 or 2013. I will be much more Eastern European focused then!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ten cool things I did in 2010 Part Deux

4, Gay Bowling- So I'm not a good bowler, and I am not sure what about me made my friend Tony think I would be into this. But I have really enjoyed being on my gay bowling team and playing more is certainly helping my game! Plus the West Seattle Bowling Alley has more kinds of beer on tap than many bars I have been to.

5. Vegas baby!-Yeah I know I go to Vegas almost every year. But it's fun!! This time around we stayed at the Trump hotel (a great hotel room but the pool area was definitely lacking), we ate at Top Chef master runner Up Rick Moonen's seafood restaurant and, of course, the biggest excitement was to see one of my favorites, SHAKIRA! Loca loca loca indeed!

6. Going to the Hood!- The Hood Canal  that is! It had been a few years since I had been to my friend Thomas's hood canal house, but this year we were back. There was a good group of people that went, good food, but best of all was the drunk dance party of the first night. There are photos of it somewhere I am sure. :)

7, Party All the Time- This year I only had two parties: a game night that about 20 people attended and a Christmas party that over 50 people attended. I really enjoy the mix of friends that Devon and I have. However, this was the year that planning the parties lost their fun for me. So I am going to take a break. No more big parties (less than a dozen guests) until 2012. I love when people come over, but I want to love planning them again.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Top 10 times of fun and frenzy of 2010-Part 1

Well I have prety much cleaned out my DVRs and currently have no unwatched Netflix DVDs. This is a good thing when you are busy, but not when you are sick and need something to do! So here we go. 2010 was a prety fun year for me overall. Here is part 1 of the Ten great happening in my life for 2010. They are in no particular order.

1. NYC for Thanksgiving- I have always been to New York City in Spring or Summer, but this was the first year that I had been in NYC in the fall entering the holiday season. New York City is uniquely beautiful as the Christmas decorations start to go up, vendors sell Christmas trees on the sidewalk, and the Christmas market opens up on Union Square. We also got to spend some time with Devon's family, meet some old friends for dinner, see a Broadway show, visited MOMA and ate at the wonderful Scandanvaian restaurant called Aquavit. Not bad for a long Holiday weekend!

2, Lady Gaga-August was a busy month for me  between travelling and going to concerts, but the concert highlight of the year was going to Lady Gaga with my friend Marian. We were actually in the last row of the Tacoma Dome. We were so high that it was actually hard to see the big TV screens behind the live action, but none of that really mattered, For a couple  hours we were two of Gaga's Little Monsters. Part of the spectacle was the audience itself. The costume highlight for me was the guy who made a fancy diva  mask out of cigarettes. My heart was warmed to see teenagers bringing their same sex boyfriends and girlfriends to the show. This is something that would never have happened when I was a teenager. Hopefully, Lady Gaga and her openness toward her audience will be a force in pop culture for a long time.

3. San Francisco for my birthday weekend- San Francisco is probably my second favorite USA city (behind NYC), and I never get tired of it no matter how often I go. So it was nice to go for a weekend and have sunny weather the entire weekend. We spent sometime in the Mission area and Castro with Devon's nephew and his partner, we did some shopping, ate some good Mexican food, bakery and breakfasy (at Moulin Rouge). Sadly, the only down part of the trip came on my birthday when I got food poisioning, but that could not a damper of our time in wonderful city that was actually sunny for once.

More to come. What were the highlights of your year? I know you are reading. I can see how many hits I get. Feel free to respond. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

The ten coolest and most fun things I did in 2010.

Also I am attempting to do a picture a day journal of 2011. I'm doing it through My user name is daninwa